Thursday, 7 April 2016

Fallout 2

My personal compass of morality influenced my choices that I made when I was playing the game. I would frequently do tasks such as rescue a dog or clear demonic plants for free because I as a person felt that it would be the most gratifying experience. I found that I would choose my lines of dialogue depending on my personal interpretation of the character in front of me. I played very much as myself rather than the character despite naming the character something other than Sam.

I suppose asking about morality within a game comes down to ones own ideas of morality. I myself believe in all human experience being subjective and thus objectivity cannot exist as a human standpoint. If we're subjective, then how can we say what is good or bad? Doing something bad such as in the game, killing a whole group of people can be painted as a terrible thing. You personally assisted in the process of creating a broken family with a missing member is on your head. Simultaneously, the people you have killed work for the slave driving company and so you have assisted in undermining that company which may result in less slaves being taken. But then one could argue that those people were only following orders for benevolent reasons. The argument is an endless one. The point I'm making is that morality is not a concrete good and bad scale because what one person thinks is good, someone else may think it bad.

In saying all this, I'm not sure if I could say morality as a base concept influences my choices. But my ideas of what make me feel good did influence me. Perhaps that could be considered morality?

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